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Yaeyama Island’s Climate [June to November]| What the Climate’s Like & What To Wear

The Yaeyama Islands consist of the Ishigaki Island in Okinawa Prefecture, manned islands such as Iriomote Island and Taketomi Island, and many uninhabited islands.

Belonging to a subtropical maritime climate, there is not much difference in temperature throughout the year, as opposed to the constant seasonal fluctuations in other parts of Japan. It's arguably one of the most comfortable places in Japan in terms of climate.

For those who are considering visiting Ishigaki, Iriomote, and Taketomi Islands, I, a resident of Iriomote Island, will tell you about the climate from June to November, seasonal characteristics, and recommended clothing.

Climate of the Yaeyama Islands in June|The rainy season is over and summer is in full swing

Yaeyama Islands sea Yaeyama Islands sea

・Average maximum temperature: 30.9°C
・Average minimum temperature: 26.6°C

In the Yaeyama Islands, the rainy season, which is a period of rainy and cloudy days, ends around the middle of June.

When the rainy season ends, strong southerly winds blow and summer begins in earnest.

The latter half of June and the first half of July is the best time to enjoy the charms of Okinawa, with fewer tourists and better weather.

The typhoon season begins at the end of June, and although typhoons can hit as early as June, the full-blown typhoon season does not begin until July, so this is a good time to visit.

As for clothing, midsummer attire is acceptable.

Since there are many days with strong sunlight, it is recommended to bring a light cloak for "protection against ultraviolet rays" and "protection against air conditioning.

Climate of the Yaeyama Islands in July|The Season when the Milky Way is Beautiful

Yaeyama Islands star The Milky Way

・Average maximum temperature: 32.2°C
・Average minimum temperature: 27.7°C

July in the Yaeyama Islands is the full-blown typhoon season.

The days with high temperatures exceeding 30 ℃ continue, and humidity is high, which is characteristic of subtropical climates.

Even at night, the temperature does not drop, and there are many nights when it is difficult to sleep.

As in June, it is advisable to dress in mid-summer attire and carry a light jacket.

Although typhoons are a concern, the Milky Way is at its peak from around July, making it an ideal time for star gazing.

Especially, "Iriomote Ishigaki National Park" in Iriomote Island is recognized as a starry sky protected area, and you can enjoy the beautiful starry sky.

The "sagaribana," (powder-puff tree) also called "phantom flower" because it blooms at night and falls off the next morning, is also in peak bloom during this season.

This is the recommended tourist season for those who have enough time in their schedule, those who are considering a long stay, and those who want to see the beautiful starry sky.

Climate of the Yaeyama Islands in August|Summer is in full swing! Watch out for typhoons!

Yaeyama Islands sea Yaeyama Islands sea

・Average maximum temperature: 32.0°C
・Average minimum temperature: 27.3°C

August is the busiest month of the year in the Yaeyama Islands, as Japanese schools are closed for summer vacation.

The number of tourists also peaks in August, so you can experience a lively atmosphere.

Except during typhoons, there is almost no rain, and the weather is stable due to the Pacific High, so you can enjoy the "beautiful blue ocean" and the "natural greenery.

This is the time of year when typhoons are most likely to approach, so if your travel schedule conflicts with a typhoon, we recommend that you stay indoors and stay safe, or take the plunge and change your itinerary.

It is important to allow plenty of time in advance for your sightseeing schedule. If you plan to visit Okinawa during this season, it is recommended that you purchase a plane ticket that allows you to change your flight.

The days can be very hot with temperatures exceeding 30°C, so be sure to take UV protection and drink plenty of water.

In August, it is best to dress in midsummer attire and carry a lightweight cloak with you.

Climate of the Yaeyama Islands in September|Summer is not over yet!

・Average maximum temperature: 31.0°C
・Average minimum temperature: 26.0°C

In September, the Yaeyama Islands are still in the middle of summer, unlike other areas in Japan where the season has entered into autumn.

You can even enter the ocean without a wetsuit.

The summer vacation is over, and the number of tourists has slowed down a little, but it is still very busy.

However, September will continue to be a month of frequent typhoons, so be aware of climate changes.

As for clothing, you can continue to dress in midsummer attire with a light cloak.

Climate of the Yaeyama Islands in October|It gradually becomes more comfortable

Yaeyama Islands sea Yaeyama Islands sea

・Average maximum temperature: 28.8°C
・Average minimum temperature: 23.9°C

October in the Yaeyama Islands is the time when the temperature gradually begins to drop.

The heat eases up, the sun is less intense, and the days become more comfortable.

The northerly winds gradually begin to blow, and you can feel the arrival of Autumn.

If the weather permits, you can take a dip in the ocean, but the water temperature is dropping. After getting out of the water, be prepared to warm yourself with a towel and long sleeves.

During the daytime, summer clothes are sufficient, but in the morning and evening when it is cold and the weather is bad, it is better to have "long sleeves" for peace of mind.

Climate of the Yaeyama Islands in November|Let's enjoy the short Autumn season!

Yaeyama Islands kayak Yaeyama Islands kayak

・Average maximum temperature: 26.2°C
・Average minimum temperature: 21.5°C

In November in the Yaeyama Islands, you can feel the lingering summer heat when the weather is fine, but the days are relatively cooler.

Although you can go into the sea on warm days, the water temperature is dropping quickly, so it is better to wear a wetsuit.

Since the heat is less intense at this time of year, activities such as trekking and kayaking are recommended.

The sun is not as intense as it is in mid-summer, so you can enjoy these activities in comfort.

If the weather is fine, you can wear summer clothes, but some days you may feel chilly unless you wear long sleeves and long pants.

Make great memories in the Yaeyama Islands, Okinawa!

As you can see, the Yaeyama Islands in summer have a strong sun power, and you can fully enjoy the beautiful sea unique to Okinawa.

It is also the typhoon season, and typhoons approaching the Yaeyama Islands are large, so you need to be careful when making a sightseeing schedule.

When a typhoon hits, ships and airplanes are cancelled, making it impossible to get in and out of the islands. If a typhoon hits during your trip, be sure to take early measures such as changing your schedule.

It is recommended that you allow extra time in your travel schedule in advance and take plane tickets that allow you to change the flight you take.

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