What will happen on July 5, 2025? Here is a summary of prophecies and safe prefectures/locations.


Have you heard about the recent buzz on social media regarding “something happening on July 5, 2025”?

Many prophets and fortune-tellers, including those who accurately predicted the Great East Japan Earthquake, have been warning about “July 5, 2025”. One prophecy says that “a massive earthquake off the Philippines will cause a tsunami three times larger than the one from the Great East Japan Earthquake to hit the Japanese archipelago.” This has a lot of people talking.We will talk about what might happen on July 5, 2025, how we should prepare, and what the prophecies say. We will also talk about safe locations.

What will happen on July 5, 2025?

the earth

Right now, there are many prophecies and predictions about what will happen on July 5, 2025.

Here are some examples of prophecies related to July 5, 2025:
– A giant meteorite falling into the Philippine Sea and a tsunami reaching Japan?
– A Nankai Trough earthquake and Mount Fuji eruption occurring at the same time?
– Japan sinking?

We will introduce the prophecies of “Ryo Tatsuki,” which are particularly notable, and the divinations by “Tamaki Suisho.”

Ryo Tatsuki’s Prophecies

Manga artist Ryo Tatsuki has predicted several major events through dreams she had before they happened.

About Ryo Tatsuki:

-Born on December 2, 1954, she was a former shojo manga artist.
-Her first work was in 1975. The most famous work is “The Future I Saw.” In this work, she talks about her dreams. She has kept a diary of her dreams since the 1970s.
-The “Complete Edition of The Future I Saw,” released in 2021, became a bestseller, selling 400,000 copies in just a month and a half.

Tatsuki is known for accurately predicting the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 2011 in her 1999 publication “The Future I Saw.”She is also said to have predicted the deaths of Freddie Mercury and Princess Diana.

Currently, her most attention-grabbing prediction is about a major disaster set to occur on “July 5, 2025, at 4:18 AM”.Tatsuki warns of an undersea volcanic eruption between Japan and the Philippines, causing a tsunami larger than the one from the Great East Japan Earthquake.

What the fortune teller thinks

According to Oriental astrology, a type of fortune-telling that Iida respects, there’s a period of caution from July 1 to 24, 2025. This is called “Shichiyouryouhitsu.”

On July 5, 2025, Neptune starts moving backwards, and there are important planetary movements happening. This suggests that something might change.

Getters Iida has also jokingly remarked about July 5, 2025, saying “Japan will be completely destroyed!” This indicates that the date is drawing attention from an astrological perspective as well.

What the Experts Say

Kazuo Oike, the former president of Kyoto University and a top expert on earthquakes, hasn’t made any specific predictions about an earthquake on July 5, 2025.

But he says there’s an 80% chance of a Nankai Trough earthquake happening within the next 30 years.

He also says that Mount Fuji could erupt at any time.

So, there is no real proof that something will happen on July 5, 2025.Experts say that it’s more important to be prepared every day than to know exactly when an earthquake will happen.We should use this as a chance to check our disaster prevention plans, instead of worrying too much about July 5, 2025.

Safe areas for the Nankai Trough earthquake:

mountain climbing

There has been increased interest on social media about which areas might be relatively safe during the Nankai Trough earthquake, which is expected to occur on July 5, 2025.

The following areas are considered “relatively safe regions” because they are far enough from the epicenter and are less likely to be affected by the earthquake:

Northern Kanto Area Tochigi Prefecture, Gunma Prefecture, Saitama Prefecture
Japan Sea Side Area Niigata Prefecture, Toyama Prefecture, Ishikawa Prefecture,
Fukui Prefecture, Tottori Prefecture, Shimane Prefecture
Kyushu Area Saga Prefecture

While these areas are predicted to have zero fatalities, it’s important to remember that these are only estimates. Past earthquakes have often defied predictions, so caution is still necessary.

Evacuation Places for Earthquakes Evacuation Places for Tsunamis
● Open spaces such as school grounds or parks
● Shelters designated by local authorities
● Elevated areas
● Buildings made of reinforced concrete, 4th floor or higher● Tsunami evacuation towers

If you feel a strong earthquake or prolonged slow shaking, be prepared to evacuate to a safe location. Check evacuation sites in advance so you can quickly move there with emergency supplies if a warning is issued.

Key points for disaster preparedness:

disaster prevention goods

Proper disaster preparation can minimize damage from earthquakes and tsunamis. Check these three preventive measures to prepare for July 5, 2025:

Measure 1: Confirm evacuation routes

To evacuate safely during a disaster, confirm evacuation routes in advance. Use your local hazard maps to identify routes from your home to the nearest evacuation shelter. Check for dangerous areas and elevation changes, avoiding places prone to landslides or flooding during earthquakes. Walk the evacuation route with your family to ensure you can navigate it even at night or in bad weather. Avoid using cars during evacuation and be cautious of manholes and gutters.

Measure 2.: Set up ways to communicate

During a disaster, regular phone lines may become overloaded, making it hard to talk to people. So, it’s important to know about other ways to talk to people.The main ways to talk to people during an emergency are “171,” “Web171,” disaster message boards provided by mobile carriers, and LINE’s safety confirmation feature.

During a large-scale disaster, LINE’s safety confirmation feature will automatically appear on your home screen. This feature allows you to quickly let friends and family know that you are safe.To ensure that these features work smoothly in an emergency, check how to use them in advance.

The official guide to the LINE Safety Confirmation Feature is now available.

Measure 3: Make sure you have the supplies you need in case of an emergency.

‘It’s important to have emergency supplies to protect yourself and your family during disasters.You should have supplies for three to seven days.Have at least three liters of water per person per day. Include food, water, flashlights, portable radios, first-aid kits, and hygiene products.One efficient way to stock supplies is to buy slightly more of daily-use items and rotate through them. Store your supplies near the entrance so you can get to them easily, and check the expiration dates of your supplies regularly.

“Be Prepared for the Worst”: Taking Precautionary Actions

As we’ve seen, July 5, 2025, is a date that multiple prophets and fortune-tellers have predicted as a day when “something might happen.”

However, what will actually occur on July 5, 2025, remains unknown until that day arrives.

It’s better to be safe than sorry.

It’s important to be prepared for disasters, so use this opportunity to stock up on emergency supplies, confirm evacuation locations, and make sure you have the contact information for your family and friends.

